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Government of Karnataka, World Bank


As a Project Management Unit for World Bank-funded Strengthening Teacher-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project, we are providing technical and managerial services for improving the status...


Project Management Unit to Support Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project in Himachal Pradesh, India

Strengthening Teacher-Learning and Results for States (STARS)

Project Management Unit to Support Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project in Himachal Pradesh, India

As a Project Management Unit for World Bank-funded Strengthening Teacher-Learning and Results for States (STARS) project, we are providing technical and managerial services for improving the status...

Improving early childhood education in Himachal Pradesh by enhancing teacher performance and training

Strengthening education service delivery through capacity building of school leadership

Assisting establishment of a State Level Assessment Centre for decentralised and real-time assessment of student learning outcomes

Developing data systems and monitoring and evaluation framework for regular...

Financial and procurement management support to state functionaries

Strengthening vocational education and training in the state in order to ease the school-to-work transition

Undertaking research on status of education in the state and documenting best practices


Project Management Unit for effective Implementation and Monitoring of Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Scheme and other skill related initiatives, Puducherry, India


Project Management Unit for effective Implementation and Monitoring of Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Scheme and other skill related initiatives, Puducherry, India

To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of World Bank-funded Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood

Designing and developing a comprehensive framework for monitoring of SANKALP...

Assisting PSDS & District/Regional Administration in developing skilling ecosystem to...

Monitoring of skill development at U.T and District/Regional level with special focus on women...

Assisting PSDS in review of sectoral skill gap study, youth aspiration study and job market...

Facilitating industry-institute linkages and enhancing employability of youth

Capacity building of district skill experts and other staff by organising training programmes...


Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 


Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 

Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 

India’s first healthcare focused blended finance facility, SAMRIDH aims to catalyse market solutions and innovations to improve access to affordable and quality...

300 Million+

Mobilised through India’s First Healthcare Blended Finance Facility


Medical Staff, Community Health Workers & Nurses Trained


Health Facilities Reached

23 Million+

People Reached


Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)


Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)

NIPI aims to provide strategic, catalytic, and innovative support to India’s National Health Mission (NHM) by testing scalable interventions in four high focus states of Bihar...

10 of 11

Scale-up of 10 of 11 NIPI Innovations with Government of India


Newborns & 5000+ Mothers Reached


Health Functionaries Trained


SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India 


SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India 

SAMVEG aims to fill critical gaps in health systems, encourage innovations, scale-up & sustain interventions to improve Maternal, Newborn...

3.5 Million+

Pregnant Mothers and 3.1 Million+ infants to be given equitable access to MNCH services

13 Million+

Children (under the age of 5) to benefit from scale-up of MNCH good practices

Enhanced capacity building for public and private sector stakeholders


MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve


MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve

Manzil enables access to quality vocational/skill education & economic opportunities to empower young girls aged 14-21 years to independently and make their own choices..


girls trained on market-driven & aspirational vocational skills


girls provided with apprenticeships, on-the-job training and job opportunities


villages across 6 districts reached


RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days


RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days

RajPusht seeks to reduce the prevalence of low birth weight and wasting among children in five tribal districts of Rajasthan, India. The project follows a transformative pathway for improved maternal & child health by championing cash transfers for new mothers...


women received cash benefits for buying nutritious food


households counselled on the importance of nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and young children


Frontline workers trained


newborn’s weighed accurately through innovative digital weighing machines


community meetings conducted


UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy


UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

UDAAN, a five-year project aimed at reducing early marriage of girls and teenage pregnancy is being implemented in Rajasthan...


child marriages and 28,000+ teenage pregnancies prevented


additional girls enrolled in schools


female users introduced to the new Injectable contraceptive method


Prioritizing India’s efforts to protect the environment

Prioritizing India’s efforts to protect the environment

Technical Assistance Project on Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project, Bangladesh

The primary objective of this project is to lead and develop decentralised international urban cooperation between local authorities from the EU and Asia...

USD 250 Million+

investment over next 5 years to improve urban waste management


Tonnes/Day of waste generation in 10 cities to be addressed

Transition to new waste management approaches-Regional Integrated Landfill & Integrated Resource Recovery Facility


Technical Assistance Project on Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project, Bangladesh

Technical Assistance Project on Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project, Bangladesh

Technical Assistance Project on Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project, Bangladesh

The primary objective of this project is to lead and develop decentralised international urban cooperation between local authorities from the EU and Asia...

USD 250 Million+

investment over next 5 years to improve urban waste management


Tonnes/Day of waste generation in 10 cities to be addressed

Transition to new waste management approaches-Regional Integrated Landfill & Integrated Resource Recovery Facility


Technical assistance to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for the preparation of Urban Water Supply Guidelines; Support in implementation of AMRUT 2.0 & Design and Operation of a National Investment Challenge

Technical assistance to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for the preparation of Urban Water Supply Guidelines

Technical assistance to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs for the preparation of Urban Water Supply Guidelines; Support in implementation of AMRUT 2.0 & Design and Operation of a National Investment Challenge

The project is designed to support to MoHUA for design of an investment challenge aligned to urban water & sanitation priorities, to incentivize ULBs and promote demonstration projects aligned with the policy objectives of the Urban JJM including...

Innovating water secure initiatives as targeting reforms in AMRUT 2.0 Cities

Driving unique innovations with Climate Resilient Water Investment Challenge

Facilitating capacity-building targeting more than 4800 ULBs under AMRUT 2.0


Preparation of Concept Development Plans & Detailed Master Plans for Holistic Development of package I, III, IV islands

NITI Aayog

Preparation of Concept Development Plans & Detailed Master Plans for Holistic Development of package I, III, IV islands

Nestled in the Indian Ocean, Lakshadweep, and Andaman and Nicobar are two separate archipelago bestowed with rich biodiversity...


Direct Employment Generated

India’s 1st Eco-Label

For sustainable dive operations - Green Fins to be activated.

India 1st Water Villa

In Kadmat & Suheli (worth INR 480 Cr.) successfully awarded to the Taj Group

India’s 1st

Instance of Upfront CRZ and EC Clearance

Kadmat beach

Recommended for International ‘Blue Flag award’


Preparation of Tourism Master Plan, Bangladesh

Ministry of Civil Aviation & Tourism, Government of Bangladesh

Preparation of Tourism Master Plan, Bangladesh

Realising the potential in the tourism industry in transforming Bangladesh into a middle-income country by 2021, the master plan is set to provide a clear...


Destination asset mapping on GIS platform


Stakeholders Consultations (including 22+ Ministry level meetings)


Expected increase in GDP contribution of tourism by 2041


Expected increase in tourism jobs by 2041.


Holistic Development Tourism Plan (HDTP), Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board

Holistic Development Tourism Plan (HDTP), Uttarakhand

With the objective of unleashing the tourism potential in the Himalayan State of Uttarakhand, the project 

INR 1210 Cr

Tourism development of Tehri Lake of INR 1210 Cr. Received approval from the Directorate of Economic Affairs for external funding from the Asian Development Bank

INR 8800 Cr

15th Finance commission approval for INR 8800 Cr for statewide tourism infrastructure Transformation

130 public toilet

Facilitated design and implementation of 130 public toilet blocks along Chardham Pilgrim Route in record time of less than a year.


South Asian Policy Leadership for Improved Nutrition & Growth (SAPLING) – Landscaping, Assessment & Institutional Analysis for Phase 1 & Design of Phase 2, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal & Sri Lanka

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

South Asian Policy Leadership for Improved Nutrition & Growth (SAPLING) – Landscaping, Assessment & Institutional Analysis for Phase 1 & Design of Phase 2, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal & Sri Lanka

The South Asian Policy Leadership for Improved Nutrition and Growth (SAPLING) is a multistakeholder regional policy advocacy...


Mid-Term Evaluation of the Local Government Initiative on Climate Change (LoGIC) in Bangladesh

Multi Donor

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Local Government Initiative on Climate Change (LoGIC) in Bangladesh

LoGIC is a multi-donor collaborative initiative supported by the Government of Bangladesh, UNDP, UNCDF, the EU and the Embassy of...


Engagement of Independent Verification Agency (IVA) to conduct National Annual Rural Sanitation Survey (NARSS), India


Engagement of Independent Verification Agency (IVA) to conduct National Annual Rural Sanitation Survey (NARSS), India

The Government of India undertook a loan from the World Bank (World Bank Support Operation to Swachh Bharat Mission)...


Challenge Fund Guidelines

Challenge Fund Guidelines

Challenge Fund Guidelines

Sida has been using Challenge Funds to finance entrepreneurs and innovators that are willing to contribute to economic, environmental, and social sustainability...

Development of comprehensive guidelines for Sida personnel and partners engaged in the design...

Expected to influence the management of a range of Sida-supported challenge fund programmes.

Approx. 90%

Approx. 90% of the challenge funds supported by Sida aim to explicitly use market incentives to test...


Meta-evaluation of USAID-supported Global Challenge Funds

Meta-evaluation of USAID

Meta-evaluation of USAID-supported Global Challenge Funds

USAID defines Grand Challenges as multi-year partnership platforms, requiring a minimum investment of $15 million for USAID and its partners...

Three funds supporting improvements in the efficiency of agricultural production processes...

Two funds focused on the specific health challenges of Zika and Ebola surfaced new, leading technologies for...

2.2 Million

people in conflict affected regions gained access to improved humanitarian services; and 600,000...


Monitoring and Evaluation Services for Future-makers Programme

Monitoring and Evaluation Services for Future-makers Programme

Monitoring and Evaluation Services for Future-makers Programme

‘Futuremakers by Standard Chartered’ is a global initiative launched as part of SCB’s Global Community Programmes strategy...


Reached 735,000+ girls and young women with educational programmes to support their economic empowerment.


Focused on youth employability by supporting 87,000 young people to become job-ready


Reached more than 60,000 young people with focus on youth entrepreneurship.


Sub-National Public Expenditure Review (PER) in Health, Ethiopia

Sub-National Public Expenditure Review

Sub-National Public Expenditure Review (PER) in Health, Ethiopia

The primary objective of the Sub-National Public Expenditure Review (PER) is to analyse recent fiscal developments in Ethiopia within the context of investments in health...


Evaluation and Analysis for Tax Transformation (EATT), Ethiopia 

Ethiopia Tax Systems Transformation Programme

Evaluation and Analysis for Tax Transformation (EATT), Ethiopia 

Under Ethiopia Tax Systems Transformation Programme (TSTP), DFID and Government of Ethiopia (GoE) established a Tax Transformation Office...


Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) Programme Budget Capacity Assessment, Cambodia

Public Financial Management Reform Programme

Ministry of Economy & Finance (MEF) Programme Budget Capacity Assessment, Cambodia

Driven by the goal to upgrade Cambodia’s public financial management system to match international standards, the Royal Government of Cambodia launched...


Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 


Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 

Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India 

India’s first healthcare focused blended finance facility, SAMRIDH aims to catalyse market solutions and innovations to improve access to affordable and quality...

300 Million+

Mobilised through India’s First Healthcare Blended Finance Facility


Medical Staff, Community Health Workers & Nurses Trained


Health Facilities Reached

23 Million+

People Reached


Skill India Impact Bond

National Skill Development Corporation

Skill India Impact Bond

Sharing the vision of an ‘employment ready’ young India, the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) in collaboration with...

$14 million+

fund mobilised for the Impact Bond


young people in India to benefit over four years


of beneficiaries will be women and would be provided wage-employment in Covid-19 recovery sectors including retail, apparel, healthcare, and logistics


MUKTI- Pay-For-Performance Program, India


MUKTI- Pay-For-Performance Program, India

Mukti is the World’s First Pay-for-Performance program designed to improve the nutritional status and treatment outcomes of TB patients..


TB patient benefitted from the nutrition and treatment outcome


Patients in Dhar district treated


Districts of Madhya Pradesh reached


Evaluation Management Unit for the Forestry, Land Use and Governance (FLAG) Programme, Indonesia


Evaluation Management Unit for the Forestry, Land Use and Governance (FLAG) Programme, Indonesia

FLAG was a £32.5 million, 3-year programme to support action to reduce the rate of deforestation and Peat land degradation in Indonesia...


Generated 12.1 million tonnes of avoided CO2e

20,958 hectares

Prevented 20,958 hectares of deforestation and forest degradation


Reduced GHG emissions from an area of 33,000 hectares of peatlands


Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth in India (ICRG) Programme, India


Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth in India (ICRG) Programme, India

ICRG was a 43-month Technical Assistance (TA) Programme commissioned by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) that aimed to support the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. Selected from 2500 blocks under the special focus of MGNREGA by the Government of India, the ICRG programme was implemented in 103 blocks in the states of Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. The programme aimed to ensure that the most vulnerable sections in selected geographies were able to tackle the impact of climate extremes. Facilitating a better understanding of climate factors, capacity building of field practitioners, and improving the design of the work being undertaken, ICRG synergized its resources with MGNREGA in building climate resilience of the most vulnerable to achieve improved quality and climate resilient assets.


people trained on climate proofing MGNREGA assets


MGNREGA and Line Department functionaries trained


Training Modules & Guidebooks developed


Preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) and Shoreline Management Plan for Odisha, India


Preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) and Shoreline Management Plan for Odisha, India

The Government of Odisha, with financial assistance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India (GoI) and the World Bank, initiated the ICZMP project. The project aimed...

GIS-Based Database Creation

to analyse potential for damage to people and property due to coastal hazards

Conceptual Modelling

to undertand coastal behaviour to comprehend the past, present and potential future hazards

Sectoral Plan

development with focus on coastal sectors of highest priority considering all the sectoral aspects

Land Vulnerability Mapping

for analysing potential for damage to people and property due to coastal hazards

Shoreline Management Sub Plan

creation to provide broad management strategies for delineated sediment cells

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan

creation to access all the coastal features and provide implementation strategies in consultation with all the stakeholders


Partnerships for Affordable Healthcare, Access, and Longevity (PAHAL)


Partnerships for Affordable Healthcare, Access, and Longevity (PAHAL)

PAHAL is USAID/India and IPE Global's flagship innovations in financing platform to improve access to affordable and quality...


enterprises with high-impact solutions supported to scale

$15 Million


$350 Million +

fund leveraged

1200 +

health facilities impacted


medical professionals, health workers trained

6 Million +

people directly impacted

25 Million +

people reached


The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)

Voices for the Mekong Forests Project: Mid-term Review, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam

Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) is a 5-year programme which aims to give local communities a voice and improve forest governance by strengthening the participation of non-state actors

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The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

IGEN-Access – Scoping Study for Agriculture-Energy Nexus in Rural Areas of Delhi

The Indo-German Energy Programme – Access to Energy in Rural Areas (IGEN-Access) is a bilateral cooperation project carried out by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Government of Germany and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India. The objective of IGEN-Access is to create a conducive environment for rural renewable energy enterprises to make energy services easily accessible to the rural population.

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National Forest Monitoring System Programme (NFMS), Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) measures the impact of anthropogenic activities on the emissions/absorption of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) related to land-use change.

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Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland

Design and Development of a Web based Geo-spatial Application on Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for 12 Himalayan States, India

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), through Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme (IHCAP) aimed to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities in the Indian Himalayas by strengthening the capacities of Indian institutions in climate science

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Action Plan to Enhance Climate-Resilient Health Facilities at the Hospitals in Madhya Pradesh, India

WHO in partnership with the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) supported a study “Action Plan to Enhance Climate-Resilient Health Facilities at the Hospitals in Madhya Pradesh.” The underlying principle of the study was to assess climate change risks

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The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland

Develop Training Modules and Capacitate State Government Stakeholders on Sector wise Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Adaptive Capacities, Mizoram, India

Climate Change Adaptation – North Eastern Region of India (CCA-NER) is a bilateral cooperation arrangement between the Governments of India and Germany. Working with the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MoDoNER)

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Development (L&D)

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Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development and help people sharpen their skills.

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People trained in last 3 years
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Participation in L&D Initiatives in 2021

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Learning is not always a formal process. We also align our organization values to a culture of learning…