Building Trust for
Today and Tomorrow
We create long term value for all our stakeholders. Integrating people, technology and innovation, our services and solutions deliver sustained outcomes and builds trust among clients and communities to help them transform and grow.
Social & Economic Empowerment
MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve
MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve
Manzil enables access to quality vocational/skill education & economic opportunities to empower young girls aged 14-21 years to independently and make their own choices..
girls trained on market-driven & aspirational vocational skills
girls provided with apprenticeships, on-the-job training and job opportunities
villages across 6 districts reached
RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days
RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days
RajPusht seeks to reduce the prevalence of low birth weight and wasting among children in five tribal districts of Rajasthan, India. The project follows a transformative pathway for improved maternal & child health by championing cash transfers for new mothers...
women received cash benefits for buying nutritious food
households counselled on the importance of nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and young children
Frontline workers trained
newborn’s weighed accurately through innovative digital weighing machines
community meetings conducted
UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
UDAAN, a five-year project aimed at reducing early marriage of girls and teenage pregnancy is being implemented in Rajasthan...
child marriages and 28,000+ teenage pregnancies prevented
additional girls enrolled in schools
female users introduced to the new Injectable contraceptive method
Social & Economic Empowerment
MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve
MANZIL: Aspire to Achieve
Manzil enables access to quality vocational/skill education & economic opportunities to empower young girls aged 14-21 years to independently and make their own choices..
girls trained on market-driven & aspirational vocational skills
girls provided with apprenticeships, on-the-job training and job opportunities
villages across 6 districts reached
RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days
RAJPUSHT: Strengthening Care in the first 1,000 Days
RajPusht seeks to reduce the prevalence of low birth weight and wasting among children in five tribal districts of Rajasthan, India. The project follows a transformative pathway for improved maternal & child health by championing cash transfers for new mothers...
women received cash benefits for buying nutritious food
households counselled on the importance of nutrition for pregnant and lactating women and young children
Frontline workers trained
newborn’s weighed accurately through innovative digital weighing machines
community meetings conducted
UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
UDAAN: A 360 Degree Approach to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
UDAAN, a five-year project aimed at reducing early marriage of girls and teenage pregnancy is being implemented in Rajasthan...
child marriages and 28,000+ teenage pregnancies prevented
additional girls enrolled in schools
female users introduced to the new Injectable contraceptive method

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
Assessment and Documentation of Good Practices and Lessons Learned of Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) and Preparation of Policy Briefs for Millets Mainstreaming, India
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
OMM has been recognised by NITI Aayog as one of the two progressive models for promotion of millets to facilitate learning among other Indian states. The Government of India recommended all state governments to adopt the OMM model for promotion of millets. In an effort to advance South-South Cooperation, WFP India signed the MoU with…

Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office Afghanistan (FCDO-A)
Independent Evaluation & Learning Partner for Increasing Access to Gender Based Violence Response Services in Afghanistan – Phase 2 implemented by the UNFPA in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health
Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office Afghanistan (FCDO-A)
The programme, Increasing Access to Gender Based Violence (GBV) Response Services – Phase 2 funds UNFPA’s health sector response to GBV which has been supported by DFID in six provinces (Daikundi, Farah, Jawzjan, Laghman, Kapisa and Parwan) since 2016. The model focuses on community dialogues to raise awareness and change in attitudes towards GBV. IELP recently conducted a successful mid-term review which provided recommendations to Ministry of Public Health on key considerations to be kept in mind for integrating the programme more into the government’s own systems…

UNDP India
Creating capacity building material on climate mitigation and MGNREGA for Uttarakhand
UNDP India
The project aims to develop a training manual on Climate change and Climate Resilient works for PRIs of MGNREGS in Uttarakhand which can be used as a guide for sensitisation, orientation, and training on climate change. It includes sectoral climate resilient activities (e.g., agriculture, water, land use, infrastructure etc.) and mitigation activities in the context of MGNREGS in Uttarakhand…

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RANI: Reduction in Anaemia through Normative Innovations
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
RANI was a clustered randomised controlled trial that tested the ability of a norms-based behaviour change intervention to reduce anemia. The project supported the National and State Governments’ anemia reduction endeavours among Women of Reproductive Age (15-49 years). Using an innovative package of interventions, RANI promoted changes in social norms, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of WRA and pregnant women in Odisha to increase initial intake and adherence to iron and folic acid consumption and reduce anemia…