Building Trust for
Today and Tomorrow
We create long term value for all our stakeholders. Integrating people, technology and innovation, our services and solutions deliver sustained outcomes and builds trust among clients and communities to help them transform and grow.
Health Nutrition & Wash
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
India’s first healthcare focused blended finance facility, SAMRIDH aims to catalyse market solutions and innovations to improve access to affordable and quality...
300 Million+
Mobilised through India’s First Healthcare Blended Finance Facility
Medical Staff, Community Health Workers & Nurses Trained
Health Facilities Reached
23 Million+
People Reached
Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)
Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)
NIPI aims to provide strategic, catalytic, and innovative support to India’s National Health Mission (NHM) by testing scalable interventions in four high focus states of Bihar...
10 of 11
Scale-up of 10 of 11 NIPI Innovations with Government of India
Newborns & 5000+ Mothers Reached
Health Functionaries Trained
SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India
SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India
SAMVEG aims to fill critical gaps in health systems, encourage innovations, scale-up & sustain interventions to improve Maternal, Newborn...
3.5 Million+
Pregnant Mothers and 3.1 Million+ infants to be given equitable access to MNCH services
13 Million+
Children (under the age of 5) to benefit from scale-up of MNCH good practices
Enhanced capacity building for public and private sector stakeholders
Health Nutrition & Wash
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare (SAMRIDH), India
India’s first healthcare focused blended finance facility, SAMRIDH aims to catalyse market solutions and innovations to improve access to affordable and quality...
300 Million+
Mobilised through India’s First Healthcare Blended Finance Facility
Medical Staff, Community Health Workers & Nurses Trained
Health Facilities Reached
23 Million+
People Reached
Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)
Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI)
NIPI aims to provide strategic, catalytic, and innovative support to India’s National Health Mission (NHM) by testing scalable interventions in four high focus states of Bihar...
10 of 11
Scale-up of 10 of 11 NIPI Innovations with Government of India
Newborns & 5000+ Mothers Reached
Health Functionaries Trained
SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India
SAMVEG: Systems Approach for MNCH focusing on Vulnerable Geographies, India
SAMVEG aims to fill critical gaps in health systems, encourage innovations, scale-up & sustain interventions to improve Maternal, Newborn...
3.5 Million+
Pregnant Mothers and 3.1 Million+ infants to be given equitable access to MNCH services
13 Million+
Children (under the age of 5) to benefit from scale-up of MNCH good practices
Enhanced capacity building for public and private sector stakeholders

Central Tuberculosis Division (CTD), MoHFW
Establishing State Technical Support Unit (STSU) in the State of Tamil Nadu
Central Tuberculosis Division (CTD), MoHFW
A Central Tuberculosis Division (CTD), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India (GoI) is implementing “Programme Towards Elimination of Tuberculosis” funded by “International Bank for Reconstruction and Development” (IBRD)…/p>

The World Bank
Assessment of Institutional Capacity for Implementing the Nutrition agenda and Developing Feasible Recommendations to Build the System, National
The World Bank
The institutions that play a role include National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), the Central Project Management Unit, Mid-Level Training Centers (MLTCs) and Anganwadi Training Centers (AWTCs), among others. In order to build capacity, it was important to systematically assess the current capacity of the institutions, and to identify gaps that need to be addressed to overcome these capacity constraints. The objective of this assignment was to undertake institutional capacity assessment of technical institutions and management units within the MWCD with the mandate to support and implement nutrition related programmes, and recommend feasible actions and investments required to enhance their capacity…

Strengthening Youth and Adolescent Participation in Health Programmes through RKSK Platforms – Jharkhand, India
The objective of the assignment was to strengthen the participation of youth and adolescents within the engagement platforms devised under the RKSK programme. The project supported in standardising and codifying best practices and in institutionalising within the NHM system in the state. The pilot was conducted in one block of Simdega district and utilised the existing platforms such as Adolescent Health Days (AHDs), School Health Programmes (SHP), community mobilisation for engaging with adolescents and youth…

Management of Rapid Response Team members (RRTs) to support COVID-19 vaccine introduction, Pan India
Management of RRT Members for COVID-19 vaccine introduction was aimed to support WHO in carrying out recruitment, pay-rolling, management and administration of fifty rapid response team members to support the Government of India in COVID vaccination programme…

Project Design: FCDO India component of The Personal Protective Equipment and Medical Supplies Production (PPEP), India
The overall objective of Personal Protective Equipment and Medical Supplies Production programme (PPEP) was to support Official Development Assistance (ODA) eligible countries to boost the production and diversify the supply of high-quality PPE and other medical products, capable of meeting local, regional and global demand specifications. The project also aimed to ensure the high quality of the product and also work to improve labour standards, protect workers’ health and safety in production, and ensure ethical and sustainable manufacture…

Vital Strategies
Project Management Support to Vital Strategies in Support for a Hypertension Prevention and Control Project in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
Vital Strategies
Vital Strategies partners global expertise with local leadership to make progress against some of the world’s most difficult health challenges. The Ministry of Health (MoH), Government of Federal Republic of Ethiopia in collaboration with World Health Organization and Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative of Vital Strategies, is conducting a Hypertension Prevention and Control Project in five regions & two city administrations of Ethiopia. The project includes hypertension prevention through screening, treatment, care and health education at the point of care, on service uptake and treatment adherence, and salt reduction campaigns at community and schools…