Outcome Evaluation study is intended to strengthen evidence-based decision-making in project implementation (in both direct implementation and outreach areas) contributing to strengthening the quality of implementation and enabling the wider dissemination of project learning for policy dialogue. It has been divided into 3 components:
1. Outcome Evaluation (one district, 4 blocks)
2. Baseline and Endline evaluation in 8 districts
3. Pashu Sakhi Assessment in all 20 districts
We have been conducting both qualitative and quantitative interviews of sample respondents. The study will cover more than 2400 respondents in outcome evaluation, more than 2400 respondents in baseline and end line under quantitative spread across selected project intervention areas covering Bihar state of India. Also 131 (in-depth interviews and FGDs) will be undertaken in Outcome evaluations and around 307 qualitative activities in Baseline & Endline evaluation. We are also covering around 4300 Pashu Sakhi for grading them basis on their performance.