ICRG was a 43-month Technical Assistance (TA) Programme commissioned by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) that aimed to support the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. Selected from 2500 blocks under the special focus of MGNREGA by the Government of India, the ICRG programme was implemented in 103 blocks in the states of Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. The programme aimed to ensure that the most vulnerable sections in selected geographies were able to tackle the impact of climate extremes. Facilitating a better understanding of climate factors, capacity building of field practitioners, and improving the design of the work being undertaken, ICRG synergized its resources with MGNREGA in building climate resilience of the most vulnerable to achieve improved quality and climate resilient assets.
Making an Impact
people trained on climate proofing MGNREGA assets
MGNREGA and Line Department functionaries trained
Training Modules & Guidebooks developed