KEVP aimed to mitigate the risk of violence in the lead up to, during and immediately after 2017 Kenyan elections. This included building capacity of grassroots and county-level peace builders and structures; supporting dialogue and communication between communities, local administration, electoral institutions and other key actors; and facilitating electoral security planning and early warning – early response mechanisms. Over 5.7 million Kenyans benefited from the programme.
With an aim to create an enabling environment to address the issue of “anti-violence success” in 5 target counties (Nairobi, Nakuru, Uasin Gishu, Nandi and Kisumu) of Kenya, we carried out end-line evaluation of KEVP programme. This included a detailed review of existing regulations, reports, relevant publications & research documents, including KEVP baseline survey, programme records, log frame, M&E plan, etc. As part of the evaluation exercise, we formulated a robust research design to conduct an end-line survey, including developing data collection tools, guides and questionnaires. We identified and mapped relationships between key influential actors in identified at-risk areas; developed structures to facilitate coordination and information sharing related to electoral security, planning and response between identified local influencers; and ensured electoral security structures develop plans and processes that enhance prevention and mitigate early indicators of violence.