
Fighting COVID-19 Together

Around the world, the pandemic is all anyone can talk about. All eyes are on the
spread of the virus. The crisis is challenging families, communities, health care systems, and governments. This page brings together several initiatives and response measures by IPE Global through its various projects to help manage and mitigate the virus risk.


Our Teams Respond

We are deeply humbled and salute the efforts of all frontline workers who
continue to bring hope among all of us……

A Beautiful Mind: Addressing Adolescent Mental Health

India’s ambitious target of vaccinating at least all its adult population by the end of 2021 seems too optimistic. Approximate calculations indicate that to vaccinate this near 945 million adults...

Covid-19 third wave to impact children? Plan, prioritise & protect

India’s ambitious target of vaccinating at least all its adult population by the end of 2021 seems too optimistic. Approximate calculations indicate that to vaccinate this near 945 million adults...

HCL Foundation Scales Up Its Healthcare Solutions for Underserved Communities in Rural Uttar Pradesh

HCL Foundation’s flagship program HCL Samuday, today announced its partnership with SAMRIDH (Sustainable Access to Markets and Resources for Innovative Delivery of Healthcare) to...

Rajasthan prepares to respond to threats of any future COVID-19 waves

NIPI Team’s representative has been appointed to the sixmember COVID-19 committee setup by Government of Rajasthan to prepare state’s strategy and plan to tackle any future COVID-19 waves in the state.

The Second Wave And The Vulnerable Vagabond!

Though governments are more cautious in announcing lockdowns this year, it has unsettled the workers who are yet to recover from the earlier jolt. Gripped with fear and panic...

Manzil ensures close collaboration with girls and parents during COVID-19

Misinformation and hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccination have been reported as two main factors impacting the pace of vaccination in India. However, the six districts of Rajasthan...

Digital healthcare in times of a pandemic

The Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) aims to help identify and test novel and promising healthcare solutions in its effort to support State National Health Missions of five states in India: Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir. As an unexpected yet result of this partnership has been the development of a triaging tool for detecting COVID-19 suspect cases.

Raising social awareness for combating COVID-19 stigma

To address the stigma attached to Covid-19 patients, MoHFW invited development partners including Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) for technical and programmatic support. In consensus with development partners, MOHFW identified the National Anti-stigma and Discrimination Campaign as a key strategy.

Leveraging Digital Technology to tackle COVID-19 in Bihar

NIPI Team is supporting the National Health Mission, Bihar in identifying suspected COVID-19 cases by deploying solutions and limiting the transmission.

Strengthening Health System to tackle COVID-19 in Rajasthan

NIPI Team supported NHM, Rajasthan and other development partners in conducting state-wide assessment of the health facilities to measure COVID-19 preparedness.

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Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development and help people sharpen their skills.

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People trained in last 3 years
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Participation in L&D Initiatives in 2021

Your journey starts from Day One….

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Helps align expectations and lays the foundation of your success

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Makes you familiar with the organisation; helps you settle down quickly in a new work environment and gives a sense of belonging

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Through our continuous learning and training programmes, upskill at your own pace and place

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Performance Management

Aligns resources and training needs based on your skill-set

Learning is not always a formal process. We also align our organization values to a culture of learning…