Climate Action for Sustainable Planet
Geopolitical boundaries are being breached by climate change around the planet. Climate change has an impact on the social and environmental factors that determine health, such as clean air, safe drinking water, enough food, and secure housing. In addition to shifting weather patterns, it is negatively affecting our ability to ensure global food and water security, eradicate poverty, and achieve sustainable development.
We recognise the need to accelerate climate action for a sustainable future. We regularly work with clients to design and implement solutions that help companies turn environmental risks into competitive advantages. We assist policymakers, governments, private corporations, and other institutions in improving their operations by identifying and utilising climate innovation, assessing climate risks, raising public awareness of the issue, and integrating climate adaptation into daily activities.

Our Climate Change & Sustainability Team prioritises climate actions through evidence-based research and analysis, including but not limited to biodiversity, forest governance, climate innovation, energy efficiency, and water management. This enables us to help our stakeholders embed climate proofing and sustainability into their growth and development plans.
Thematic Focus
Climate Risks, Adaption and Resilience Planning
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Designs
Decarbonising Economy through Renewable Energy
Mainstreaming Climate in Policy, Plans and Programmes
Climate Mitigation - Reduction of GHG Emissions (Forest Monitoring Systems)
Forest Governance & Land Tenure Rights
Disaster Risk Reduction and Promotion of Nature-Based Solutions
Gender Mainstreaming in ECC Policies and Programmes
Adapting Cities for Climate Reslience
Mainstreaming Climate Action for Sustainable Tourism
Integrating Climate Mitigation
& Adaption into our Services
Key Projects
Evaluation Management Unit for the Forestry, Land Use and Governance (FLAG) Programme, Indonesia
Evaluation Management Unit for the Forestry, Land Use and Governance (FLAG) Programme, Indonesia
FLAG was a £32.5 million, 3-year programme to support action to reduce the rate of deforestation and Peat land degradation in Indonesia...
Generated 12.1 million tonnes of avoided CO2e
20,958 hectares
Prevented 20,958 hectares of deforestation and forest degradation
Reduced GHG emissions from an area of 33,000 hectares of peatlands
Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth in India (ICRG) Programme, India
Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth in India (ICRG) Programme, India
ICRG was a 43-month Technical Assistance (TA) Programme commissioned by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) that aimed to support the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India. Selected from 2500 blocks under the special focus of MGNREGA by the Government of India, the ICRG programme was implemented in 103 blocks in the states of Bihar, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh. The programme aimed to ensure that the most vulnerable sections in selected geographies were able to tackle the impact of climate extremes. Facilitating a better understanding of climate factors, capacity building of field practitioners, and improving the design of the work being undertaken, ICRG synergized its resources with MGNREGA in building climate resilience of the most vulnerable to achieve improved quality and climate resilient assets.
people trained on climate proofing MGNREGA assets
MGNREGA and Line Department functionaries trained
Training Modules & Guidebooks developed
Preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) and Shoreline Management Plan for Odisha, India
Preparation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) and Shoreline Management Plan for Odisha, India
The Government of Odisha, with financial assistance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India (GoI) and the World Bank, initiated the ICZMP project. The project aimed...
GIS-Based Database Creation
to analyse potential for damage to people and property due to coastal hazards
Conceptual Modelling
to undertand coastal behaviour to comprehend the past, present and potential future hazards
Sectoral Plan
development with focus on coastal sectors of highest priority considering all the sectoral aspects
Land Vulnerability Mapping
for analysing potential for damage to people and property due to coastal hazards
Shoreline Management Sub Plan
creation to provide broad management strategies for delineated sediment cells
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan
creation to access all the coastal features and provide implementation strategies in consultation with all the stakeholders
Featured Insights
Renavigating focus: How India Inc. will lead transformative change with ESG goals...
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