
Budget Analysis of the 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 Financial Data for the Select Counties and Perform a National Level Analysis on the Identified Sectors of Health, Water, Education, Child Protection, Social Protection, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, Kenya


Budget Analysis of the 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 Financial Data for the Select Counties and Perform a National Level Analysis on the Identified Sectors of Health, Water, Education, Child Protection, Social Protection, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, Kenya


UNICEF supported Kenya’s resolve to strengthen the social protection system by transitioning to a decentralised delivery of social protection programmes. 

UNICEF supported Kenya’s resolve to strengthen the social protection system by transitioning to a decentralised delivery of social protection programmes.  

To assess fund allocation post decentralisation, we conducted budget analysis of the financial data for the select 11 counties and performed a national level analysis on the identified sectors of health, water, education, child protection, social protection, nutrition and HIV/AIDS. The budget analysis included a study of trends in gross sector allocations over the identified periods, trends in per capita sector allocation, trends in key service indicators like enrollment levels and gross expenditure and budget absorption trends. In addition, we formulated budget briefs for each county and per sector for the national level analysis. 


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