There is no confirmation on the number days that could indicate the standard of quarantine. We really need to focus on the Health sector. We need to have a sort of central collaboration whereby we can check upon the standard practices and learn from the experiences from the other countries.
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) estimates that over 122 million people in India lost their jobs in April alone and around 75% of them were small traders (MSME) and daily wage-labourers. Historically, weak labour laws preclude transparency and accountability towards workers in the informal sector causing under-reporting of employment figures.
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) estimates that over 122 million people in India lost their jobs in April alone and around 75% of them were small traders (MSME) and daily wage-labourers. Historically, weak labour laws preclude transparency and accountability towards workers in the informal sector causing under-reporting of employment figures.